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An action is a unit of work inside a backup that does one thing. An action can receive data or a folder and/or can produce data or a folder. Depending on the type of input and output, an action can be initial, transformer or final. By combining actions, a backup can be done (that is, a task).

An initial action is an action that does not receive anything as input and produces an output. These actions must be the first to appear in the task pipeline.

A transformer action is an action that receives something as input and applies some transformation on it to produce a different output. These actions must appear in between the task pipeline.

A final action is an action taht receives something as input and do not produce an output (for the pipeline). These actions must appear last in the task pipeline. Note that final actions in general produces a file or a folder in the backup folder.

Initial and final actions

An action can be initial and final. For example, copy a file or a folder to the backup folder is both initial and final action. If using these kind of actions can only appear one action in a task pipeline.

Initial or transformer actions

For example, command, ssh and docker actions can be either an initial or transformer actions, it just depends if the command to run needs an input from another source or not. For example the command echo hello world don't need an input, but cat needs one.

Not yet mentioned, but unactions also exist. Think of unactions as a reversed action. If an action is to compress some data, its unaction will be decompress the data. unactions are like actions in all senses, but the behaviour is to revert an action (in general used in restores).

Builtin actions

There is a list of builtin actions that can be used to create the tasks pipelines or to create new actions by using these as base actions. The actions are grouped by category. See the list here:

Implementing actions

In python, an action (and unaction) is just a function that receives two arguments and returns something. An initial action will receive None and the parameters as arguments and should return a data stream or a DirEntry iterator. A transformer action will receive a data stream or a DirEntry iterator (depending on the expected input) and the parameters as arguments and will return a data stream or a DirEntry iterator. A final action will receive a data stream or a DirEntry iterator and must return the relative path of the file or folder that the action has created. An action can use another action internally to make a composition of actions.


Is a data structure used internally to represent a entry of a folder. The object is defined like this:

class DirEntry:
    type: str
    path: Path
    stats: os.stat_result
    stream: Optional[io.IOBase]
    link_content: Optional[str]
    real_path: Optional[Path]

    def __init__(self, _type: str, path: Path, stats, stream=None, link_content=None, real_path=None, **kwargs):

In actions, a data stream means a io.FileIO, io.BufferedIOBase or io.TextIOBase object that has a file descriptor associated to the stream, or a subprocess.Popen object with PIPE mode set to stdout and stderr. Currently, the file descriptor-thing is important because they are used to be used in external processes efficently (without using internal pipes). mdbackup checks if a data stream is invalid and raises an error for it.

On the other hand, the DirEntry iterator is implemented using a generator function that returns DirEntry objects for each entry found in the folder. The type of a entry can be dir, symlink or file. A file will have the stream attribute filled pointing to the contents of the file. A symlink will have the link_content attribute set with the contents of the symlink. In all types, the path must be filled with a relative path to the entry, as well as stats, requiring st_mode, st_uid, st_gid, st_mtime, st_size properties to be filled.

Example of initial action
def action_read_file(_, params: dict) -> io.FileIO:
    return open(params['path'], 'rb', buffering=0)
Example of transform action
def action_compress_gzip(inp: InputDataStream, params) -> subprocess.Popen:
    compression_level = params.get('compressionLevel')

    args = ['gzip', '-c']
    if compression_level is not None:

    # Composition of actions: using command action to create the compress-gz action
    return action_command(inp, {'args': args})

def action_example_of_dir_entry(inp, params):
    for entry in inp:
        if entry.type == 'file':
            entry.path = Path(str(entry.path) + '.bak')
        yield entry
Example of final action
def action_write_file(inp: InputDataStream, params):
    # The _backup_path parameter is internal, and can be used freely
    full_path = Path(params['_backup_path']) / Path(params['path'])

    file_object = open(full_path, 'wb', buffering=0)
    chunk_size = params.get('chunkSize', 1024 * 8)
    data =
    while data is not None and len(data) != 0:
        data =

    return full_path

Registring actions

Using the register_action function, an action (and its unaction counterpart) will be registered in the system and could be used in the tasks. There is also a quick way to register actions and unactions which is using the action and unaction decorators. For user-defined actions, those functions will be received in the function called when registering from a module.


The function registers an action into the actions container in order to be used when running tasks.

Argument Type Description Optional Default
identifier str Defines the identifier to be used to refer the action in the yaml files No
action callable The function that implements the action No
unaction callable The function that implements the unaction Yes None
expected_input Optional[str] The expected input for the action Yes None
output Optional[str] The output for the action Yes None

The supported values for expected_input are: stream or directory.

The supported values for output are: stream stream:file, stream:process, stream:pipe (only if using os.pipe() fds) or directory.


Decorator for actions that will register them automatically (once the module that contains the implementation is loaded). Is a shortcut for register_action and allows in-place registration of actions.

Argument Type Description Optional Default
identifier str Defines the identifier to be used to refer the action in the yaml files No
input Optional[str] The expected input for the action Yes None
output Optional[str] The output for the action Yes None
unaction callable The function that implements the unaction (use it only if @unaction() won't be used) Yes None


input is the same as expected_input from the register_action. All parameters expect the same as in register_action.


Decorator for unactions that will register them automatically (once the module that contains the implementation is loaded). Is a shortcut for register_action and allows in-place registration of unactions once its action counterpart is registered.

Argument Type Description Optional Default
identifier str Defines the identifier to be used to refer the action in the yaml files No


An unaction can be registered after the action has been registered. If the order is inverted, the unaction register will fail.

Creating user-defined actions

As mentioned in the configuration, the user-defined actions must be modules that can be loaded from python using the import syntax. The value in the configuration was module#function where module is the module to import and function is the name of the callable object that will register all actions.

The function (or callable object) will receive some keyword arguments (aka kwargs) with the register_action function and action and unaction decorators to be used quickly without the need to import them. You can also import them directly by importing the module mdbackup.actions.container. The function will also receive get_action and get_unaction that retrieves the implementation for the action/unaction for the given identifier (the first parameter of both functions). And lastly, the kwarg dir_entry will be passed with the class DirEntry if needed.

The function must register all actions by either using the function or the decorator. If anything fails, your function should raise an exception to notify the failure, and put some debug logs will also help.

def register_my_actions(action, unaction, get_action, **kwargs):
    action_ssh = get_action('ssh')

    @action('my-read-file', output='stream:file')
    def action_read_file(_, params: dict):
        return open(params['path'], 'rb', buffering=0)

    @action('pi-copy', output='stream:process')
    def action_pi_copy(_, params: dict):
        return action_ssh(_, {
            'host': 'pi',
            'user': 'pi',
            'password': 'raspberrypi',
            'knownHostsPolicy': 'ignore',  # You should never do this
            'args': ['bash', '-c', f'if [[ -f "{params["path"]}" ]]; then cat "{params["path"]}"; else cd "{params["path"]}"; tar -c .; fi']