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Actions: Command


Input: Nothing or stream

Output: stream


Yes, but to make it work, you need to defined the reverse command. To do so, just define a new section called reverse with args or command (see example below). If trying to do a restore with no reverse.args nor reverse.command will result in a failure.


Can be a str or an object. The string will be interpreted as a sh-like command, the object with the folliwing structure:

Name Type Description Optional
args List[str] List of arguments (including the program) to run Yes
command  str sh-like command string to run Yes
env Dict[str, str] Additional environment variables to set when running the program Yes


Executes the command that produces an output, and may receive an input. The command can be defined by either using args or command parameter. If needed, the command can run with extra environment variables defined in the env parameter. The current working directory will be the backup path. The parameter can also be a string, in this case will be interpreted as command parameter.

Example of command as initial action

Does a backup of a partition and then compresses it.

- name: command task example
    - command: 'cat /dev/mmcblk0p2'
    - compress-xz: {}
    - to-file:
        path: 'full-backup.gz'

Example of command as transform action

Does a backup of a file transforming all instances of A to a (using sed).

- name: command task example 2
    - from-file: '/path/to/a/file/to/backup.txt'
    - command: 'sed -i "s/A/a/g"'
    - to-file:
        path: 'transformed-backup.txt'

Example of command with reverse

Does a backup of some program that exports its data using a CLI tool, but also defining how to restore the data.

- name: command task example 3
    - command:
        command: 'tool-cli export -'
          command: 'tool-cli import -'
    - compress-zst: {}
    - to-file:
        path: 'tool-data.zst'


Input: Nothing or stream

Output: stream

Unaction: See command unaction section.


Name Type Description Optional
args List[str] List of arguments (including the program) to run Yes
command  str sh-like command string to run Yes
host str Hostname to connect to via ssh No
user str Username for the ssh session Yes
password str Password, if required Yes
port int Port of the ssh server Yes
knownHostsPolicy str If set to ignore, will ignore any unknown hosts error Yes
forwardAgent bool If set to true, will forward the local ssh agent Yes
identityFile str If defined, this identity file will be used Yes
configFile str Defines a custom config file to be used Yes

Use of password in ssh

It is not recommended to use the password authentication method with ssh in scripts like this. If you need the password method, ensure the host (where mdbackup runs) has installed sshpass.

A properly authentication using ssh is made by configuring an ssh-agent before running mdbackup with the keys preloaded so the tool can run without issues.


Executes the command through ssh, in another host, which must produce an output and it may receive some input. The command can be defined by either using args or command parameter. The current working directory will be the backup path.


Does a backup of a file from another server.

- name: ssh task example
    - ssh:
        host: pi
        user: pi
        identityFile: /path/to/the/pi/identity/file
        args: [ 'cat', '/etc/motd' ]
    - to-file:
        path: 'pi-motd'


Input: Nothing or stream

Output: stream

Unaction: See command unaction section.


Name Type Description Optional
args List[str] List of arguments (including the program) to run Yes
command  str sh-like command string to run Yes
image str The image to use to run the container No
env Union[Dict[str, str], List[str]] Additional environment variables to set when running the program Yes
volumes List[str] List of volumes defined as host-path:container-path or volume:container-path Yes
user Union[str, int] UID or user name from which the container will run Yes
group Union[str, int] GID or group name from which the container will run Yes
network str Network to attach to (default is host) Yes
workdir str Changes the WorkDir of the container Yes
pull bool Pulls the image before running the container (it can also be used to update the image) Yes


Executes the command inside a Docker container, in the same host, which must produce an output and it may receive some input. The command can be defined by either using args or command parameter. If needed, the command can run with extra environment variables defined in the env parameter. The volumes list uses the same syntax as in docker container run -v argument. If pull is set to true, then the image will be pulled always, and will stop all the pipeline until the image has been pulled.


Does a backup of a file from a volume.

- name: ssh task example
    - docker:
        args: [ 'cat', '/data/some/file' ]
        image: alpine
          - my-volume:/data
    - to-file:
        path: 'some-data-from-a-volume.bin'