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You have available under config/config.schema.json the JSON schema of the configuration file. You can use it like this on an app like Visual Studio Code or PyCharm:

    "$schema": "./config.schema.json"

If you are going to use the $schema, you should download it or reference the URL of the file from the repository directly.

This allows you to auto-complete with the elements available in the configuration. But in case you cannot use an app with schema support, here's it is the (maybe not updated) list of options:

    "backupsPath": "Path where the backups will be stored",
    "logLevel": "Log level for the app, valid values are: CRITICAL,ERROR,WARNING,INFO,DEBUG",
    "actionsModules": [
    "maxBackupsKept": 7,
    "env": {
      "something": "true"
    "secrets": {
      "secret-provider": {
        "envDefs": {
          "pgpassword": "/path/to/pg-password",
          "mysqlpassword": "mysql-password"
        "config": {
          "setting-1": "value",
          "setting-2": true
        "storageProviders": [
            "key": "storage/gdrive",
            "backupsPath": "/Backups/mbp"
    "cloud": {
      "compression": {
        "method": "gz|xz|bz2|br|zst",
        "level": 8,
        "cpus": 1
      "encrypt": {
        "strategy": "gpg-keys|gpg-passphrase",
        "passphrase": "If using gpg-passphrase, this will be used as passphrase for the cypher",
        "keys": "If using gpg-keys, this will be used as recipients option for the gpg cypher (emails)",
        "algorithm": "Defines the algorithm to use in the cypher process, depends in the strategy (currently one of `gpg --version` cyphers)"
      "providers": [
          "type": "provider-type-1",
          "backupsPath": "Path in the storage provider where to store the backups",
          "maxBackupsKept": 30,
          "provider-specific-param-1": "config/client_secrets.json",
          "provider-specific-param-2": false
          "type": "provider-type-2",
          "backupsPath": "Path in the storage provider where to store the backups",
          "maxBackupsKept": 7,
          "provider-specific-param-1": "THIS_IS-NOT-AN-API-KEY",
          "provider-specific-param-2": "THIS_IS_NOT_AN-API-S3Cr3t",
          "provider-specific-param-3": 10
    "hooks": {
      "backup:before": "echo $@",
      "backup:after": "path/to/script",
      "backup:error": "wombo combo $1 $2",
      "upload:before": "echo $@",
      "upload:after": "echo $@",
      "upload:error": "echo $@",
      "oldBackup:deleting": "echo $@",
      "oldBackup:deleted": "echo $@",
      "oldBackup:error": "echo $@"
backupsPath: Path where the backups will be stored
logLevel: "Log level for the app, valid values are: CRITICAL,ERROR,WARNING,INFO,DEBUG"
  - "my.module#actions_register_function"

maxBackupsKept: 7
  something: "true"

      pgpassword: /path/to/pg-password
      mysqlpassword: mysql-password
      "setting-1": "value"
      "setting-2": true
      - storage/digital-ocean
      - key: storage/gdrive
        backupsPath: /Backups/mbp
      - storage/aws-s3

    method: gz|xz|bz2|br|zst
    level: 8
    cpus: 1

    strategy: gpg-keys|gpg-passphrase
    passphrase: If using gpg-passphrase, this will be used as passphrase for the cypher
    keys: If using gpg-keys, this will be used as recipients option for the gpg cypher (emails)
    algorithm: Defines the algorithm to use in the cypher process, depends in the strategy (currently one of `gpg --version` cyphers)

    - type: "provider-type-1"
      backupsPath: "Path in the storage provider where to store the backups"
      maxBackupsKept: 30
      provider-specific-param-1: "config/client_secrets.json"
      provider-specific-param-2: false
    - type: "provider-type-2"
      backupsPath: "Path in the storage provider where to store the backups"
      maxBackupsKept: 7
      provider-specific-param-1: "THIS_IS-NOT-AN-API-KEY"
      provider-specific-param-2: "THIS_IS_NOT_AN-API-S3Cr3t"
      provider-specific-param-3: 10

  backup:before: "echo $@"
  backup:after: "path/to/script"
  backup:error: "wombo combo $1 $2"
  upload:before: "echo $@"
  upload:after: "echo $@"
  upload:error: "echo $@"
  oldBackup:deleting: "echo $@"
  oldBackup:deleted: "echo $@"
  oldBackup:error: "echo $@"

The configuration file must be located in the configuration folder and can be a json or yaml file. By default, the configuration folder is placed at config (based on the current working directory) but can be changed by using the argument -c.


The path where all the backups will be stored locally. It will contain all the past backups plus the in-process (if any).

When a backup is being done, it will create a .partial folder inside backupsPath and inside the folder, all the copied files and directories will be stored.

After a backup, the folder will be renamed to YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm, matching the time when the backup was completed.


Configures the log level. Every log issued to the logger that is below the configured log level will be ignored. By default is set to INFO. The available levels, ordered by importance, are:

  • INFO


If defined, will load all python modules and run the function that will register new actions into the system that can be used in tasks.


Defines how many backups will be kept in the local folder. By default is set to 7. To disable the cleanup, use 0 or null as value of this setting.


This section defines environment variables that will be available when running actions. Can be anything that can be accepted by an action. These variables are passed to the actions as parameters, only if the type is a dictionary (i.e.: the action from-file accepts a dictionary or a string as parameter, only when using a dictionary these values will be filled).


Defines all secrets providers available to run the tool. Can obtain values for environment and storage providers from the secret providers in runtime, improving security by having in different places all the secrets. It is optional, but it is recommended to use any secret provider.

Every type of secret provider is defined inside the secrets section, where the key of the object is the type, and the object contains the configuration of the provider and what to inject from it.


The configuration section contains provider-specific configuration which allows the provider to work. See secret providers documentation to see the available providers and their configuration.


Declares environment variable definitions that can be used to reference secrets in the tasks env sections and actions parameters.


The storage section defines storage provider configurations that will be grabbed from the secret provider. Each value of the list is a (secret) provider-specific url/path/identifier that tells the provider where to look for the configuration. The value must have the same structure of the configuration of the storage provider.


This section defines settings for the storage servers and cloud storage providers.


If defined, when backups are uploaded to a storage provider, folders will be compressed using this configuration.

Can be used with or without cyphering.


The strategy defines which compression algorithm is going to be used. Currently, the algorithms supported are gzip (which requires gzip to be installed) and xz (which requires xz to be installed).

In general, a lot of Linux distributions includes these commands, as well as in macOS. But it's worth to check their existence before using them.


The compression level. Higher values indicates better but slower compressions. Values accepted for gzip are from 1 to 9. Values accepted for xz are from 0 to 9 (by default is 6, 7-9 are not recommended).


The number of cpus/threads to use when compressing. By default, will use only one thread to compress, but this can be changed to any number. This value is ignored by some compression algorithms.

Threads and compression algorithms

Currently, xz and zst supports cpus setting, the rest will always use 1 thread.


If defined, when backups are uploaded to a storage provider, folders will be encrypted using this configuration.

Can be used with or without compression.


Defines which strategy to use to encrypt the data. Currently the supported cypher strategies are:

  • gpg-passphrase - Uses a passphrase to encrypt and decrypt the data (requires gpg2). The passphrase setting will be used as passphrase.
  • gpg-keys - Uses the keys associated to the list of emails to encrypt the data (requires gpg2). The keys list will be used as recipients/emails list that will be used to protect the data. The people in the list will be able to decrypt the data and no one else. Recommended over passphrase.


If defined, will use this algorithm to encrypt the data. The supported algorithms and the default algorithm can be found in gpg --version gpg2 --version.


If defined, the last backup will be uploaded to the configured storage providers. Each provider must define the type, the backupsPath and maxBackupsKept, as well as the provider specific configuration. Unknown types will be ignored.


Defines the type of the storage provider for the entry. The list of storage providers can be found in the 'Storage providers' section.


Path in the storage provider where to save the backups. Is the same concept as the backupsPath from above.

Some providers need this folder to exist, while others no. If possible, try to ensure that the folder is created before uploading any backup.


Defines how many backups will be kept in the storage provider. If set to 0 or null will not clean anything. There's no default value for this, so a value must be always provided.


Hooks run a script or program when something is going to happen or just happened. Can be useful to trigger some post-action things, to send messages through Slack or to manipulate the output of a backup.

Each key defines the hook type, and their values is the script, program or one-line script that will be run in when the hook is triggered. The hooks run on a sh shell, so hooks like echo $@ will work out of the box.

See hooks section.