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Actions: Directory


Input: Nothing

Output: directory

Unaction: Yes (Only works when using dictionary parameter - if using a string as parameter the restore will fail).


Name Type Description Optional
path str Path to the directory to read No
followSymlinks bool Follow symbolic links Yes

Also a string is accepted as parameter, in this case will be converted to the path parameter and followSymlinks will be false.


Reads the contents of the folder to be used in another action. By default, the symlinks are left intact, but if followSymlinks is set to true then they will be followed and the resolved entry will be read instead.


Read the folder contents, then archive and compress it into a file.

- name: from-directory task example
    - from-directory: /var/lib/docker
    - tar: yes
    - compress-gz: {}
    - to-file:
        path: 'dockerino.tar.gz'


Input: Nothing

Output: directory

Unaction: Yes (Only works when using dictionary parameter - if using a string as parameter the restore will fail).


Name Type Description Optional
volume str Name of the volume to backup No
followSymlinks bool Follow symbolic links Yes

Also a string is accepted as parameter, in this case will be converted to the volume parameter and followSymlinks will be false.


Determines which is the path to the folder of the desired volume (using docker volume inspect VOLUME_NAME --format {{.Mountpoint}} command), and then calls the from-directory action to perform the read. The path is set automatically to the resolved path from the command.


Requires docker to run this action. The user running the backups must have access to the docker socket. Only local volume type is supported.


Read the volume folder contents, then archive and compress it into a file.

- name: from-physical-docker-directory task example
    - from-physical-docker-directory: docker-volume-name
    - tar: yes
    - compress-gz: {}
    - to-file:
        path: 'dockerino-volumino.tar.gz'


Input: directory

Output: Nothing

Unaction: Yes


Name Type Description Optional
path str Folder to place the folder contents into this path inside the backup folder No
parents bool Create parent folders if they do not exist (when creating the output folder) Yes
preserveStats Union[bool, str] Preserve some or all of the stats of the entry (see description) Yes

Also accepts the same parameters of copy-file action, but with the from and to filled by this action. These settings only apply when a file is being written.


Writes the full contents of the folder into the folder defined in path (which will be inside the backup folder). The stats of the entries can be preserved in several ways by defining the preserveStats property. By default is set to utime (see table below for all options). To combine multiple options, use , to split them (chmod,chown,utime). Writing a file uses the copy-file action, which by default will try to reduce copies if the same file exists in the previous backup and no modification is detected (that is why preserveStats is utime by default). Can be disabled by setting forceCopy to true.

Preserve Stats value Meaning Requires root?
true Preserves all stats Probably yes
false Does not preserve any stats No
chmod Only changes the permissions of the entry Probably yes
chown Changes the UID and GID of the entry Yes
utime Changes the access and modified times No, if can modify the files
xattrs Preserves the extended attributes of the entries Yes


Copy a folder (the explicit way).

- name: to-directory task example
    - from-directory: /folder/to/copy
    - to-directory:
        path: x-folder
        preserveStats: chmod,chown,utime
        reflink: true


Input: Nothing

Output: Nothing

Unaction: Yes


Name Type Description Optional
from str path parameter for from-directory action No
to str path parameter for to-directory action No

All supported parameters from from-directory and to-directory actions are supported. The path for both actions are filled from this action parameters (see above table).


Shortcut for the example of to-directory. Copies a directory from somewhere to the backup folder using the same functionallity.


Copy a folder (the good way).

- name: copy-directory task example
    - copy-directory:
        from: /folder/to/copy
        to: x-folder
        preserveStats: chmod,chown,utime
        reflink: true