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Actions: File


Input: Nothing

Output: stream

Unaction: Yes


Expects a path as string or an object like { path: '/path/to/file' }.


Initial action that opens a file to be read from the next actions. The user running the backups must be able to read the file.


Simple copy (the bad way).

- name: from file task example
    - from-file: '/path/to/a/file.txt'
    - to-file:
      path: 'file.txt'


Input: Nothing

Output: stream

Unaction: Yes


Name Type Description Optional
host str Hostname of the host which has an ssh No
path str Path to the remote file to copy No
user str User to be used in the connection Yes
password str Password for the authentication Yes
port int Port of the ssh server Yes
identityFile str Path to an identity file which will be used for authentication Yes
configFile str Path to a ssh client configuration file Yes
knownHostsPolicy str If set to true, will ignore unknown hosts errors Yes

Use of password in ssh

It is not recommended to use the password authentication method with ssh in scripts like this. If you need the password method, ensure the host (where mdbackup runs) has installed sshpass.

A properly authentication using ssh is made by configuring an ssh-agent before running mdbackup with the keys preloaded so the tool can run without issues.


Reads a file from the remote server using scp, and the output can be used in other actions as if it were a regular file in the same machine.


Simple copy using scp.

- name: from file ssh task example
    - from-file-ssh:
        path: '/path/to/a/file/in/the/remote/server/file.txt'
        host: 'my-server'
        identityFile: '/root/.ssh/id_rsa'
    - to-file:
        path: 'file.txt'


Input: stream

Output: Nothing

Unaction: Yes


Name Type Description Optional
path str Path where the file will be written, inside the backup folder No
mkdirParents bool If the path contains some folders and this parameter is set to true, then will create the folders Yes
chunkSize int Changes the chunk size to be used internally while reading the data to write (default 8KiB = 8192) Yes


Writes the data stream into a file, reading chunks of chunkSize bytes until end of the stream.


Simple copy (the bad way), but a bit different.

- name: from file task example
    - from-file: '/path/to/a/file.txt'
    - to-file:
        path: 'file.txt'
        chunkSize: 65536


Input: Nothing

Output: Nothing

Unaction: Yes


Name Type Description Optional
from str Path to the file to be copied No
to str Path to where the file will be copied inside the backup folder No
mkdirParents bool If the path contains some folders and this parameter is set to true, then will create the folders Yes
preserveStats Union[bool, str] Preserve some or all of the stats of the entry (see this) Yes
forceCopy bool If set to true, then it will always copy the file and will not try to clone it from a previous backup Yes
reflink bool If set to true it will try to make copy of the original file using Copy on Write (if the file system supports this - see clone-file) Yes
chunkSize int The same as in to-file Yes


Copies a file to the backup folder. It is an optimized version in which the previous backup file is checked in order to clone it (which is faster). In order to make this work, the file must have the utime at least in the preserveStats parameter (the default). The action will check the modified time of the previous backup version and if they both match, then it will use clone-file action. If the modification time is different or forceCopy is true, then it will make a normal copy using to-file action. If the clone-file action fails, it will try to make a normal copy using to-file action.


Optimized copy (the right way).

- name: copy file task example
    - copy-file:
        from: '/path/to/a/file.txt'
        to: 'file.txt'
        preserveStats: True
        reflink: True  # in btrfs, this will make a really fast copy
        chunkSize: 65536


Input: Nothing

Output: Nothing

Unaction: Yes


Name Type Description Optional
from str Path to the file to be copied No
to str Path to where the file will be copied inside the backup folder No
mkdirParents bool If the path contains some folders and this parameter is set to true, then will create the folders Yes
preserveStats Union[bool, str] Preserve some or all of the stats of the entry (see this) (only for reflink) Yes
reflink bool If set to true it will try to make copy of the original file using Copy on Write (if the file system supports this) Yes


Does a "clone" of a file. By default, does a hard-link between both files. But if reflink is set to true, then it will try to make a light copy using Copy on Write (if the file system supports that - only available on Linux). If the CoW fails, then a hard-link will be done as fallback.

About hard-links and CoW

For both to work, from and to paths must be under the same partition. Cross partition hard-links are impossible, as well as CoW copies.


Clone a file.

- name: clone file task example
    - clone-file:
        from: '/path/to/a/file.txt'
        to: 'file.txt'
        preserveStats: True
        reflink: True  # in btrfs, this will make a really fast copy