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Hooks are scripts that run when some action is going to happen or just happened. It is useful to define custom actions with your own scripts, including one-liner scrips. The hook is parsed like usual command with arguments, but runs without a shell. The input data is sent through stdin as json. If a hook is not defined, won't run anything.

To define the hooks, see hooks in the configuration.

The output of the script is redirected to the logger using the DEBUG level. If you have some issues with your hook script, set the log level to DEBUG.


  • When: Before starting doing backups.
  • Object:
    1. path: The folder where the backups are going to be stored during the process (will end with .partial).


  • When: After all backups are done.
  • Object:
    1. path: The folder where the backups are stored.
    2. created: an object/dict with keys being the name of each tasks file and their values a list of output files and folders.


  • When: When the backup process failed but before the partial folder is deleted.
  • Object:
    1. path: The folder where the backups were being stored (just before being deleted).
    2. message: Exception message.
    3. stepName: (Optional) Step name.


  • When: Before starting running all tasks for a tasks definition file.
  • Object:
    1. path: The folder where the backups are going to be stored during the process (will end with .partial).
    2. tasksName: The name of the tasks definition.


This runs for each tasks definition file found. If you want to run something for a specific tasks file, filter by the tasksName.


  • When: After running all tasks for a tasks definition file.
  • Object:
    1. path: The folder where the backups are going to be stored during the process (will end with .partial).
    2. tasksName: The name of the tasks definition.
    3. created: a list of created files and folders.


This runs for each tasks definition file found. If you want to run something for a specific tasks file, filter by the tasksName.


  • When: When one of the tasks failed running and stops the tasks run.
  • Object:
    1. message: The exception message.
    2. path: The folder where the backups are going to be stored during the process (will end with .partial).
    3. tasksName: The name of the tasks definition.


This runs for each tasks definition file found. If you want to run something for a specific tasks file, filter by the tasksName.


  • When: Before running a task of a tasks definition.
  • Object:
    1. path: The folder where the backups are going to be stored during the process.
    2. previousPath: If any, the path to the previous backup for this task.
    3. tasksName: The name of the tasks definition.
    4. task: The name of the task.


This runs for each task that runs the tool.


  • When: After running a task.
  • Object:
    1. path: The folder where the backups are going to be stored during the process.
    2. previousPath: If any, the path to the previous backup for this task.
    3. tasksName: The name of the tasks definition.
    4. task: The name of the task.
    5. result: Path to the file or folder created by the task.


This runs for each task that runs the tool.


  • When: When a task run has failed, even with stopOnFail is set to false.
  • Object:
    1. message: The error message.
    2. path: The folder where the backups are going to be stored during the process.
    3. previousPath: If any, the path to the previous backup for this task.
    4. tasksName: The name of the tasks definition.
    5. task: The name of the task.


This runs for each task that runs the tool.


  • When: Before uploading the backup to a storage provider.
  • Object:
    1. type: The type of the provider.
    2. localPath: The path to the backup folder (in the local machine).
    3. remoteBackupsPath: The path to the cloud backups folder.
    4. files: A list of files to upload.


  • When: After uploading the backup to a storage provider.
  • Object:
    1. type: The type of the provider.
    2. localPath: The path to the backup folder (in the local machine).
    3. remoteBackupsPath: The path to the cloud backups folder.
    4. remotePath: The path where the backups is stored in the cloud.


  • When: After uploading the backup to a storage provider but it failed.
  • Object:
    1. type: The type of the provider.
    2. localPath: The path to the backup folder (in the local machine).
    3. remoteBackupsPath: The path to the cloud backups folder.
    4. remotePath: (Optional) The path where the backups is stored in the cloud.
    5. item: (Optional) The item that was being uploaded.
    6. message: The message of the error.


  • When: Just before a backup folder is going to be deleted from the local machine.
  • Object:
    1. path: The path of the backup to be deleted.


  • When: After a backup folder is deleted from the local machine.
  • Object:
    1. path: The path of the backup deleted.


  • When: After a backup folder was going to be deleted, but it failed to do so.
  • Object:
    1. path: The path of the backup to be deleted.
    2. message: The message of the error.


  • When: Just before a backup folder is going to be deleted from a cloud storage.
  • Object:
    1. path: The path of the backup to be deleted.
    2. type: The type of the cloud storage.
    3. backupsPath: The backups path in the cloud storage.


  • When: After a backup folder is deleted from the cloud storage.
  • Object:
    1. path: The path of the backup deleted.
    2. type: The type of the cloud storage.
    3. backupsPath: The backups path in the cloud storage.


  • When: After a backup folder was going to be deleted, but it failed to do so.
  • Object:
    1. type: The type of the cloud storage.
    2. backupsPath: The backups path in the cloud storage.
    3. message: The message of the error.